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标普500创新高 上涨动能减弱

2013-04-01 07:38:00 来源: 经济参考报 


  T heS& P 500indexclosedon T hursdaynight at arecordhighof 1,569,up6pointsor 0.4%. The last tim e it broke intonew terri-toryw as on9O ctober 2007w henit closedat1,565.


  T he S& P has beennear its recordhighforseveral w eeks,despite the still sluggishperform -ance of the U Seconom y. T his m eans it finishesthe quarter 10% higher thanits level at the be-ginningof theyear andm orethandoubleitslow point duringthe financial crisis.


  T he indexis closelytrackedbyprofessionalinvestors andits four-year recoverysince2009reflects agrow ingbelief that theFederal R e-serve’s continuingsupport for m arkets andtheeconom yw ill overcom em odest U .S . grow thandlingeringeconom ic andpolitical w eakness inEurope.


  But som e strategists sayT hursday’s recordcouldbe a harbinger that the stockm arket rallyis runningout of steam .


  “A sthe m arkethasgone higher...upw ardm oveshavegenerallygottensm aller,w hichsuggests that the m ove is gettingoldandthat w eneedapullback,”saidM arkA rbeter,chief technical strategist forStandard &Poor’s inN ew Y ork.


  Investors w arnedclients not toget overlyexcited.“G ettingbacktow herew ew ereis anim portant step,”saidH ow ardSilverblatt,seniorindexanalyst at S& P D ow Jones Indices. Buthecautionedinanotetoinvestors:“M arketsare volatile,andif youare a long-term investoryoushouldexpect declines.”


  Sofar,annual inflation hasbeen benignenoughthat policym akers have largelyignoredit,but U .S . consum er prices nevertheless areup13% since 2007. Stockindexes onlyrecentlyhavem ovedabovetheir levels of that period,m eaning they rem ain farfrom recordsafteradjustingfor inflation.


  T he stockm arket next w eekw ill face testsof the m ilestone it reached,w iththe situationofCyprus’s banks andaroundof U .S . data,in-cludingtheM archjobs report onFriday,facinginvestors.


  (廖冰清 编译)

[作者:陈鸿燕  编辑:]
