
2022-10-22 10:35:27 来源:中原网




在去年举行的2021中国(郑州)国际旅游城市市长论坛开幕式上 ,舞蹈《唐宫夜宴》精彩亮相。郑报全媒体记者 李焱 摄

当悠扬的音乐声响起,一群“唐宫小姐姐”莲步轻移,秀逸舞动,婀娜定格……牛年春节,由郑州歌舞剧院创排的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》“牛气冲天”,吸引全国乃至全球观众目光,掀起席卷全国的“现象级”关注热潮。上线播出10天,实现视频超20亿播放量,微博主话题阅读量4.9亿次……  舞蹈《唐宫夜宴》创造的艺术“奇迹”令世人瞩目。






该剧院舞蹈编导陈琳告诉记者,早在2017年,她便萌生用唯美的古典舞展现厚重中原文化的想法,在寻找素材过程中,她被河南博物院一组绘彩陶伎乐女俑吸引了。“假如让她们活起来,会给今天的人们讲述什么故事?”  有了灵感火花后,在思索如何用舞蹈生动讲好中国故事的实践中,陈琳铆足了劲儿。她翻阅了大量历史书籍,多次请教博物馆专业人士,了解盛唐时期的历史背景、人们的生活习惯、审美取向等,力图在表演中更真实地还原盛唐景象。

历时两年的创意酝酿和一年半的排练打磨,《唐宫夜宴》于2020年10月在第十二届中国舞蹈“荷花奖”古典舞评奖活动现场首演并荣获获奖提名。牛年春节,舞蹈《唐宫夜宴》应邀参加河南卫视春晚录制,最终火爆全网。舞台上,14名正值青春妙龄的唐朝女乐官即将为一场宴会演出,她们各自拿着笙管笛箫,走在小路上嬉戏打闹……  耳目一新的唐装服饰,绯红绚丽的“斜红”妆容等,憨态可掬的舞蹈动作借助VR等现代技术融入到磅礴大气的布景中,完美呈现出一幅“盛唐夜宴图”。




“中国古典舞的创作一定要基于对传统文化的深入研究,融合传统文化精髓,以创新的表达方式为载体,才能唤起人们内心深处对传统文化的共鸣,激发文化自信。”作为《唐宫夜宴》的领舞,郑州歌舞剧院首席舞蹈演员易星艳表示  ,她与伙伴们一直在尝试将中国传统文化元素融入现代的表达中,通过持续创新把传统文化立体展现在舞台上。






郑报全媒体记者 成燕 文/图


Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace makes the traditional culture lively

In the Spring Festival of Ox Year(2021), the classical dance "(Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace)Tang Gong Ye Yan" created by Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater attracted the attention of the whole nation and even global audiences.

10 days after the launch online, the video of the dance has been played more than 2 billion times, and the topic of microblog has been read 490 million times.The artistic "miracle" created by the dance "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" has attracted the attention of the world.

In October this year, as one of the key plays to welcome the 20th CPC National Congress, the dance appeared on the screen in the form of a unit of the TV series "Our Times(2012-2022)". Dancers’ stories of promoting Chinese culture has once again attracted the attention of many audiences.

Over the past ten years, rooted in the profound Central Plains culture, Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater has made a brand new name-card for for the ancient capital Zhengzhou with the innovative exploration of "dance" + "Central Plains culture".

"Pay attention to the facial expression and body language, as much as possible to show the delicate and lovely Tang Dynasty girls..."If you have the chance to walk into the rehearsal hall of Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater,you will be deeply attracted by the scene of 14 young actors rehearsing the dance carefully.

On the stage of the 2021 Henan Spring Festival Gala, Banquet at the Palace of Tang used 5G and AR modern technology to combine virtual scenes with real stage, presenting an amazing stage effect.

Chen Lin, the choreographer of the theater, told reporters that as early as 2017, she had the idea of showing the thick culture of central China through beautiful classical dance. While looking for materials, she was attracted by a group of Painted terra-cotta figurines in Henan Museum."If they were alive, what would they tell people today?" With a spark of inspiration, Chen Lin worked hard to figure out how to tell Chinese stories vividly in dance. She has read a lot of history books and consulted museum professionals for many times to understand the historical background, people's living habits and aesthetic orientation of the Tang Dynasty, trying to restore the scene of the Tang Dynasty more truly in her performance.

After two years of creative design and a year and a half of rehearsal, "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" premiered at the 12th Chinese Dance "Lotus Award" Classical Dance Awards in October 2020 and was nominated for the award.

Yi Xingyan, principal dancer of Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater, who is the lead dancer of "Banquet of Tang Palace", said that she and her partners have been trying to integrate traditional Chinese cultural elements into modern expressions, and present traditional culture on the stage through continuous innovation.

Since 2014, Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater has undertaken the national cultural exchange performance for many times.Dancers successively visited Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Vietnam, South Africa, Fiji, Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Italy, Russia and so on more than 40 countries and regions, including two in Thailand, New Zealand, the United States, three times to kazakhstan, was highly praised by Chinese embassies and consulates, as well as local audience.

In the future, Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater will continue to explore innovative development models of culture. Relying on the rich culture of the Yellow River and the culture of the central plains, Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater will strive to produce more excellent local works, vividly interpret the Henan culture to the world on the broad stage, and tell the "Chinese story" better.
