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安卓明年推新功能 自动关联联系人Google+头像

2013-11-07 15:50:00 来源: 新华网 


    据Google软件工程师Attila Bodis透露,只要通过了手机验证的Google+账户将会自动与手机关联。这意味着使用该手机拨出或接听时会自动显示联系人头像图片,不再需要手动添加联系人头像。





    Google has plans to make better use of your Google+ profile picture—by throwing it up on the display of whoever you call, from early next year.

    According to Attila Bodis from Google, accounts that have a verified phone number attached to them will be automatically opted in and linked to the associated Google+ account. That means that anyone using an Android to make or receive a call from a number linked to a Google+ account will see a corresponding profile image, automatically. No need to associate pictures with people, Google will do it for you.

    In fairness, it's not dissimilar to the way Gmail displays your profile image in email chains—just a little more creepy—and it's no doubt a useful feature for many. But, as usual, there will be some wailing over privacy concerns—particularly the default opt-in nature of the service. Still, if you want to stop it happening, you can disable the "help people who have your phone number find you on Google services and connect with you" option in Google’s account settings. The service should, apparently, roll out early 2014.

[作者:姜莹  编辑:]
