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2015-11-12 16:04:38来源:中原网--郑州日报

    2015年10月27日,威乐(中国)水泵系统有限公司董事长兼总裁鍾彍㠙先生John Chong接受中国日报的专访,提出将会在中国中西部地区加大资源投入。


    威乐(中国)水泵系统有限公司总裁鍾彍㠙先生John Chong表示,将对德国总理默克尔访华期间提出的希望德国驻华企业能够加大对中国中西部的投资全力支持,并提出未来将会在中国中西部地区加大资源投入,以支持中国政府在城市基础设施领域的节能和改善环境方面做出努力。针对“海绵城市”项目,公司将要推广全新的业务模式,以在全球第二大经济体进一步开发出新的细分市场。

    所谓“海绵城市”,即企业和个人可以收集雨水或从排水系统中集水,用来满足每天洗车、冲马桶、绿植灌溉等用水需求。“对威乐公司而言,我们在中国就是要支持中国政府推行提高能源利用率、保护环境的国策,”同时兼任威乐全球输送水产品事业总部副总裁的鍾彍㠙先生John Chong表示,“威乐的产品会更加关注污水系统排水速度,可以把污水引入集水设施,用于回收再利用。”

    威乐公司生产的水泵产品用途非常广泛,例如,从水井中泵水用于水冷却,流程工业当中的冷却等。 为了迅速加大市场占有率,威乐(中国)计划在中国中西部地区进行扩张,以占据这些地区的市场。目前,威乐已在重庆直辖市和四川省省会——成都开设了两家分公司。




    Pump manufacturer Wilo to increase resources in central, western region

    Wilo SE, one of the world's major pump manufacturers by revenue, will deploy more resources and manpower in China to pursue growth drivers in urban infrastructure, thus joining in the country's efforts in saving energy and improving the environment.

    The opportunities come from China's efforts to efficiently use its water resources, especially in the country's vast western and central regions, as well as surging demand for high-efficient solutions for water sewage disposal and treatment, for industries including underground mining, the power industry, metals, and private and commercial building services.

    John Chong, chairman of Wilo China Ltd, said the company will promote the new development model of "sponge cities" to further develop a new segment market in the world's second-largest economy.

    In a sponge city, companies or individuals collect water from rain or drainage systems to reuse for everyday tasks, such as washing cars, flushing toilets and gardening.

    "For Wilo, we are here in China to support the national policy on promoting efficient use of energy and environmental protection," said Chong, who is also group vice-president of Wilo Global PBU Water Transfer. "The sewage system will drain water quickly and guide it to collection facilities for recycling."

    Wilo produces pumps that are used in a wide range of functions, such as pumping water from wells for water-cooling and fuel injection in the automobile sector and for pumping oil and natural gas in operating cooling towers in the energy industry.

    Eager to enhance its foothold, the German company plans expansion in central and western China and build a strong presence in these regions. It has already established two branch offices in Chongqing municipality and Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province.

    Thanks to its cutting-edge technologies and China's huge market demand, Wilo's sales revenue hit a record 950 million yuan ($149 million) in 2014. This figure is expected to reach 1 billion yuan this year.

    Sun Fuquan, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development in Beijing, said the populations of many of China's second-and third-tier cities in central and western regions are much larger than in other major cities of the world.

    Therefore, improving infrastructure facilities and providing high-end pumping products are practical ways of keeping up with the process of urbanization and optimizing the nation's manufacturing structure.

    "Under such circumstances, high-end German products and related investment obviously can add to prosperity - and both will benefit the economy and the environment in the long term," Sun said.

    Founded in 1872 with its headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, the company is one of the leading manufacturers of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and industry. Wilo is represented by more than 70 subsidiaries around the world and employs more than 7,000 people worldwide.

    Having entered China in 1995, Wilo's local business is an important subsidiary of the group. It currently has 14 branches in China with 800 employees.




