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与两房达成和解 摩根大通将支付51亿美元

2013-10-28 07:24:00 来源: 经济参考报 

    T heFederal H ousingFinanceA gency,w hichregulates Fannie M ae andFreddie M ac,said Friday that it struck aseparate $5 .1billiondeal w ith JPM organC haseover faultym ortgagepractices,rather thanw ait for theJustice D epartm ent tofinalize its share of a ten-tative $13billiondeal w iththe bank.


    Friday’sdeal callsforJPM organ,thenation’slargest bank,topayabout $2.7billion to FreddieM acand $1 .3 billion toFannieM aetoresolveclaim s relatedtom ortgagesecurities soldtothecom panies betw een2005and2007bythebankandtw ofirm s itacquired,B earStearnsand WashingtonM utual.


    T he additional $1.1m illionresolves claim sthat JPM organbreachedtherepresentations itm ade aboutthe quality ofsingle-fam ilym ortgages it soldthe governm ent-sponsoreden-tities,the regulator said.


    Inastatem ent Friday,JPM organcalledtheagreem ent w iththeFH FA“anim portantsteptow ards abroader resolutionof thefirm’s”m ortgage- related m atters.E dw ardD eM arco,theFH FA’sacting director,saidthesettlem ent w ithJPM organ“providesgreater certaintyinthem arketplaceandis inlinew ithour responsibilityfor preservingandconservingFannieM ae’s andFreddieM ac’sassets onbehalf of taxpayers.”


    T hebankandtheagencies’regulator saidFridayeveningthat the settlem ent w as expectedtobepart of atentative $13billiondeal thatJPM organis negotiatingw ithfederal andstateagencies over its m ortgage bondliabilities.



    W hiletheparties haveagreedtothefra-m ew orkof thedeal,talkshaveslow edoverw hether JPM organcanshift ontotheFederalD eposit Insurance Corpliabilities of W ashingtonM utual,afailedlender w hichJPM organtookover duringthe financial crisis.


    T he FH FA sued18financial institutions inSeptem ber 2011over their sales of m ortgage se-curities toFannieandFreddie. T hetotal pricefor the securities soldw as $196billion.


    (廖冰清 编译)

[作者:张慧鑫  编辑:]
